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Kelly Palmateer Psychic Medium

Human Ecology Bachelor of Science

Dr. Brian Weiss Certified Past Life Regression Therapist 
Certified Soul Realignment Practitioner

Cold Case Medium


I am a natural born Spiritual Intuitive. My gifts were shown to me when I was 12 years old. A spirit came to my bedroom window and encouraged me to get the correct information to police. Once we did, together with local police force and investigators, we found her body. A heart wrenching, life changing event for many. The only good that came from this was giving her family closure, give her a proper burial and to put the person responsible behind bars. For decades I struggled with this tragedy. I have since found my place with all of this, that is to use this gift to help others. 


I have a bachelor’s degree in Human Ecology & Education. As a former high school teacher, I reached a point in my career where “Spirit” nudged me to follow a new direction. Having a passion to understand life after death, reincarnation and the journey of the soul, I have spent decades studying the afterlife. In my most recent engagements of mediation, intuitive development and past life regression, I have “remembered” what my missions are in this lifetime. I am following my dream to help others discover their mission as they also evolve on their soul's path.


Peace, Love & Light;




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